Send a New Message

This is the basic operation for sending messages of all types.
The message content must be a well-formatted XML message.

A message can be sent to one or more destinations. A destination can be:

  1. A user on the PCI Booking system. The user must be registered as a Property that is associated with a PCI Booking customer.
  2. Any fax number.

A user destination is denoted by EDI <userid> , while a Fax destination is formatted as FAX <number>.
If sending the message to a fax number, the fax number should be formatted as an international dial number: "00" + [Country code] + [area code] + [phone number].
Users may receive their messages either via API or directly to the control panel.

We recommend that you first review the guide for this method.

The response will contain the following headers:

  • Location: the URI of the created message.
    For example:
  • X-pciBooking-SenderId: The ID of the sender.
    For example: Hotel_finder
  • X-pciBooking-Destination: The destination(s) of this message.
    For example: EDI Premier_Inn_London_County_Hall, FAX +442071849514.
  • X-*pciBooking*-MessageVersion: The version of the XML message.
    For example: 1.0.
  • X-pciBooking-MessageType: The type of XML message sent. You can see the full list of message types in our PCI Messaging Request Body Structure documentation.
    For example: HotelReservation.
  • X-pciBooking-SenderReference: The sender reference provided in the request to send the message.
    For example: MyReference.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!