Additional Guidance for Specific Payment Gateways

Some of the payment gateways require additional parameters to be sent, or they offer optional functionality. The below list highlights the the specific requirements of each such payment gateway.

Unique Requirements Per Payment Gateway


  1. The ShopperInteraction parameter specifies the sales channel, through which the shopper gives their card details, and whether the shopper is a returning customer. For POS accounts please set this parameter as "Ecommerce"


  1. The myRef parameter is required and should contain 6 or more characters.

  1. ECCenabled parameter This parameter is only relevant when performing refund requests. indicates whether PCI Booking should send the full card details with the request. If set to False, the resulting behavior is that customers will not be able to perform refunds after 120 days from the date of the original charge.


  1. OrderDesc parameter provides additional description related to the order for which the payment is taking place for.


  1. OrderDesc parameter provides additional description related to the order for which the payment is taking place for.


  1. Please note that Credorax payment gateway requires customers to show them a certification of integration. PCI Booking's integration is certified with Credorax. Read more.


  1. The PaymentGateway object should also include a parameter called RebatePWD with the value of the rebate password.

First Data - FirstDataIPG (Not Payzee):

  1. First Data (FirstDataIPG) requires authentication by client certificate (please follow these instructions in order to upload the certificate).
  2. Gateline requires that the card owner's IP address be provided in the "ClientIPAddress" parameter of the PayerDetails object.


  1. Gateline requires authentication by client certificate (please follow these instructions in order to upload the certificate).
  2. Gateline requires that the card owner's IP address be provided in the "ClientIPAddress" parameter of the PayerDetails object.


  1. myRef parameter Only numeric value is allowed.
  2. Please note that Heartland payment gateway requires customers to show them a certification of integration. PCI Booking's integration is certified with Heartland. Read more.


  1. OriginalAmoun credentials is mandatory for Void or Refund operations


  1. You must ensure that your merchant account in Paygate is configured with the "auto-settle" flag set to "off".


  1. myRef parameter must be unique on every submission.
  2. A 'Void' operation must be performed with GatewayReference returned from 'PreAuth', and not 'Capture'.


  1. In order to enable 3DS transactions support, please contact Stripe and ask to enable the 3DS Import (payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure) option on your test/live account .
  2. SetupFutureUsage parameter - allows you to use Stripe Subscriptions with our Stripe PaymentIntents integration. This parameter is provided as part of the credential object and the value can be on_session or off_session.
  3. ApplicationFeeAmount parameter - your platform can take an application fee on direct charges. This parameter is provided as part of the credential object and it must be used with ConnectedAccount data and include the ConnectionType as standardconnect or connect.


  1. IsDigital parameter required in worldpay. Sent 'true' as default.
  2. Please note that Worldpay payment gateway requires customers to show them a certification of integration. PCI Booking's integration is certified with Worldpay. Read more.


  1. OrderDesc parameter provides a payment reason for the payment gateway. Field is optional when using the charge or preauth operations. Sent as false by default.


  1. OrderDesc parameter provides additional description related to the order for which the payment is taking place for.


  1. NoOfInstallments parameter allows you to use installment plan and split the cost into multiple payments with the credit card (micro credit). The value should be between 1-12.