Metadata stored for a token

PCI Booking offers its customers the ability to retrieve metadata information relating to a single token or multiple tokens - while still maintaining PCI compliance by not providing the full card details.

  • In order to retrieve the metadata for a list of tokens (by reference), please use the Query Paycard method.
  • In order to retrieve the metadata of a single token (by token ID), please use the Retrieve a Paycard Metadata method.

The metadata for a token - whether queried as part of a list or individually, will contain the following information:

Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
VirtualInfoObjectInformation provided if this token represents a virtual card.
Please note, this value will only be returned when retrieving the metadata for a token that represents a virtual card.
CreatorReferenceStringThe reference value which was provided during the tokenization process to locate this token.
Please note, this value will only be returned when retrieving the metadata for an individual token.
CreateDateDateTimeThe date and time that this token was created on.
CardTypeStringThe type of card that was tokenized. If the card type was not specified during tokenization, this parameter will show unspecified.
LastDigitsStringThe last 4 digits of the card number.
LeadingDigitsStringThe first 6 digits of the card number.
ExpirationYearIntegerThe year of the card's expiration date.
ExpirationMonthIntegerThe month of the card's expiration date.
OwnerIDStringThe value provided in the owner ID field during tokenization.
UserIDStringThe username of the user that tokenized this card.
IssueNumberStringThe value provided in the issue number field during tokenization.
OwnerNameStringThe name on the card as provided during tokenization.
URIStringThe card URI in PCI Booking. You will need this value in order to perform any sort of action on this card.
EndRetentionDateDate TimeThe date that the CVV retention period ends.
CvvExistsBooleanA boolean value indication if the CVV for this token still exists in PCI Booking.
AssociatedMerchantsArray of StringAn array of the user IDs of the merchants associated with this token. (read more at Associate Paycard with a PCI Booking Customer).
AssociatedPropertiesArray of StringAn array of the property IDs of the properties associated with this token. (read more at Associate Paycard with a Property).
ThreeDSecureInfoObjectA set of parameters regarding the 3D Secure authentication of this card details.
ThreeDSecureInfo.TokenStringThe card token this 3DS data relates to
ThreeDSecureInfo.ThreeDSSessionIDStringThe 3DS session ID (if 3DS was captured through the PCI Booking capture form)
ThreeDSecureInfo.ThreeDSecIndicationStringIndication whether the card was authenticated or rejected when performing 3DS authentication.
ThreeDSecureInfo.AuthenticationValueStringThe 3DS authentication value A.K.A CAVV
ThreeDSecureInfo.EciStringThe 3DS authentication ECI value
ThreeDSecureInfo.XIDStringThe 3DS authentication XID or 3DSTransID (this value is based on which version of 3DS was used)
ThreeDSecureInfo.AcsTransactionIdStringAn identifier assigned by the Access Control Server (ACS) to identify a transaction
ThreeDSecureInfo.VersionStringThe 3DS authentication version which was used.
ThreeDSecureInfo.MerchantNameStringThe merchant name that was used for the 3DS authentication.
ThreeDSecureInfo.SLIStringThe Security Level Indicator (SLI) indicates the type of card holder authentication used for the transaction