Metadata stored for a token
PCI Booking offers its customers the ability to retrieve metadata information relating to a single token or multiple tokens - while still maintaining PCI compliance by not providing the full card details.
- In order to retrieve the metadata for a list of tokens (by reference), please use the Query Paycard method.
- In order to retrieve the metadata of a single token (by token ID), please use the Retrieve a Paycard Metadata method.
The metadata for a token - whether queried as part of a list or individually, will contain the following information:
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description |
VirtualInfo | Object | Information provided if this token represents a virtual card. Please note, this value will only be returned when retrieving the metadata for a token that represents a virtual card. |
CreatorReference | String | The reference value which was provided during the tokenization process to locate this token. Please note, this value will only be returned when retrieving the metadata for an individual token. |
CreateDate | DateTime | The date and time that this token was created on. |
CardType | String | The type of card that was tokenized. If the card type was not specified during tokenization, this parameter will show unspecified . |
LastDigits | String | The last 4 digits of the card number. |
LeadingDigits | String | The first 6 digits of the card number. |
ExpirationYear | Integer | The year of the card's expiration date. |
ExpirationMonth | Integer | The month of the card's expiration date. |
OwnerID | String | The value provided in the owner ID field during tokenization. |
UserID | String | The username of the user that tokenized this card. |
IssueNumber | String | The value provided in the issue number field during tokenization. |
OwnerName | String | The name on the card as provided during tokenization. |
URI | String | The card URI in PCI Booking. You will need this value in order to perform any sort of action on this card. |
EndRetentionDate | Date Time | The date that the CVV retention period ends. |
CvvExists | Boolean | A boolean value indication if the CVV for this token still exists in PCI Booking. |
AssociatedMerchants | Array of String | An array of the user IDs of the merchants associated with this token. (read more at Associate Paycard with a PCI Booking Customer). |
AssociatedProperties | Array of String | An array of the property IDs of the properties associated with this token. (read more at Associate Paycard with a Property). |
ThreeDSecureInfo | Object | A set of parameters regarding the 3D Secure authentication of this card details. |
ThreeDSecureInfo .Token | String | The card token this 3DS data relates to |
ThreeDSecureInfo .ThreeDSSessionID | String | The 3DS session ID (if 3DS was captured through the PCI Booking capture form) |
ThreeDSecureInfo .ThreeDSecIndication | String | Indication whether the card was authenticated or rejected when performing 3DS authentication. |
ThreeDSecureInfo .AuthenticationValue | String | The 3DS authentication value A.K.A CAVV |
ThreeDSecureInfo .Eci | String | The 3DS authentication ECI value |
ThreeDSecureInfo .XID | String | The 3DS authentication XID or 3DSTransID (this value is based on which version of 3DS was used) |
ThreeDSecureInfo .AcsTransactionId | String | An identifier assigned by the Access Control Server (ACS) to identify a transaction |
ThreeDSecureInfo .Version | String | The 3DS authentication version which was used. |
ThreeDSecureInfo .MerchantName | String | The merchant name that was used for the 3DS authentication. |
ThreeDSecureInfo .SLI | String | The Security Level Indicator (SLI) indicates the type of card holder authentication used for the transaction |
Updated 21 days ago