Manage Card Over The Phone Requests
This page will elaborate in more details on how to initiate and manage your Card Over The Phone Requests. This can be used both for capturing the card details and capturing the card's security code
Once a Card Over The Phone request has been submitted (by using either the Request to Send Card Capture Form to Recipient method or the Request to Send Card Security Code Capture Form to Recipient method), the response received will include the request's ID in the form of a URI.
You can manage the request by accessing this URI. PCI Booking offers the following actions to manage a request:
Action | Description | Method Reference |
Retrieve Request | You can call the PCI Booking API to see the details that were submitted originally to send the Card Over The Phone request and check on the status of the request. Once the Card has been submitted in the capture form, you can use this method to retrieve the card token. As the Card Over The Phone request goes through its stages, you will have to submit this query multiple times to pull the data and see the change in status | Retrieve a card data request |
Receive callback | After every change of status, PCI Booking will send a request to the callback URL provided in the original request to send the Card Over The Phone message. The callback details will indicate that there has been a change and then you will be able to use the Retrieve a card data request method to find out all of the details regaring the change in status. PCI Booking will push the notice on updates as they happen. | Receive Request Status Via Callback |
Delete Request | You can submit a request to cancel and void a Card Over The Phone message. If the recipient has not yet clicked on the link and filled out the form, the request can still be cancelled. Once cancelled, the recipient of the message will get an error of "Link Expired" when clicking on the link. | Delete a card data request |
CVV Retention Policy
Once the status of the card request is
, remember to set the CVV Retention Policy for this token.
Updated about 5 years ago