Credential Management
In many cases, you will use the Universal Payment Gateway to allow your customers to submit charge requests through your application using the stored token in PCI Booking. This would require you to send, as part of the UPG request, your customer's credentials to that payment gateway.
In order to simplify the integration and onboarding of new customers, and to reduce your risk of maintaining the sensitive information of the credentials in your system, you can use the Payment Gateway Credential Management system.
The Credential Management system allows you to create and store the 'PaymentGateway' object required for authentication in the UPG request. You can store as many such credentials objects as needed.
The credential management system has the following features:
- Retrieve Structure of Credentials for Payment Gateway - Allows you to pull the structure of the credentials necessary for a specific payment gateway. You can then use these fields to design the form to collect this information from your customer.
- Store Payment Gateway Credentials - Allows you to submit and store the credentials object for a particular payment gateway.
- Retrieve List of Payment Gateway Credentials - Allows you to pull a list of all existing credentials object previously stored in your account.
- Delete Payment Gateway Credentials - Allows you to delete a specific set of credentials.
Typical Flow
While onboarding a new customer:
- Retrieve the list of payment gateways to allow your customer to select the payment gateway of choice.
- Once selected, retrieve the structure of the credentials object for the selected payment gateway. Use the parameters listed in the response to design the form to collect the information from the customer.
- Once submitted, store the credentials object in PCI Booking. You will need to provide a unique reference ID for this credentials object - you are free to design your own ID structure (normally, a combination of payment gateway name and customer name is used as a reference).
- When required, process a transaction to this payment gateway and provide the reference ID (as set above) as the credentials for this payment gateway.
4.1 If necessary, retrieve the list of stored payment gateway credentials to enter the relevant one.
Updated over 3 years ago